1 minute read

I asked Gemini to extend on Faputas hatered for her mother’s killers and try to mimic its tone and style. The results are interesting.

“I cannot forgive your eyes that saw Faputa and her siblings as nothing more than appetizing. Your mouths that use the same words and prayers as mother, Those mouths I cannot forgive. I cannot forgive your shapes that continue to blaspheme mother with your being. Your lives that continue to exist, I cannot forgive.

Your intentions, I cannot forgive. Nor your joy, nor your grief, nor your deeds. I absolutely will not allow them to continue. Until you’re all reduced to ashes, I cannot permiss your existence. Everything I was born not to forget, for this day, for this moment. How I tired of waiting. The time I have waited also cannot be forgiven. I will exterminate all of you.”

Here is what Gemini replied with:

” You defile the air with your putrid breaths, the same air Mother once blessed. You dare walk the earth that cradled her form, your feet sullying the very ground where she lay. Your blood, a grotesque mockery of the ichor that flowed through her veins, pulsates in vessels that should have been ripped from your flesh long ago.

I despise the dreams that fester in your hollow minds, dreams that will never know the warmth of Mother’s love. The memories you cling to, the ones that bring you fleeting moments of pleasure or sorrow, are nothing but a pathetic insult to the eternity I have endured. They are but dust compared to the mountains of loathing that burden my soul.

You cling to life like parasites, sucking the very essence from the world Mother toiled to create. Each beat of your hearts is a theft, each gasp of breath a violation. With every sunrise you witness, you spit in the face of her sacrifice. This existence you so desperately crave, I will tear from you piece by agonizing piece.

Let your screams echo through the abyss, a testament to the depths of my hatred. Let your final moments be filled not with fear, but with the crushing realization of your insignificance. For I am the embodiment of Mother’s wrath, and you… you are nothing but ashes waiting to be scattered.

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